เพลง เนื้อเพลง Walk Away Dokken

เพลง Walk Away Dokken | เนื้อเพลง Walk Away Dokken | เพลงฟัง Walk Away Dokken | เล่นเพลง Walk Away Dokken | เนื้อเพลง Walk Away Dokken | Chord Walk Away
เพลง เนื้อเพลง Walk Away Dokken"

A faded picture from your heart
Was all you left for me
I'm still waiting, standing here
To see what I could see
Your love I borrowed just like time
It wasn't mine to keep
But the love we shared
I thought was there
And now you have to leave

Just walk away There'll be no more tomorrows
Just walk away You won't be there for me
From far away I tried to say I'm sorry
But I can't find a way (To) just walk away

Couldn't see for I was blind
The hurt you hide inside
I didn't mean to break your heart
I wish it had been mine
And as another day unfolds
Don't know what it means
Was it love we had
Or love gone bad
Still the love we need

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