
กำลังแสดงโพสต์ที่มีป้ายกำกับ Jamie T

เพลง เนื้อเพลง Don't You Find Jamie T

เพลง Don't You Find Jamie T | เนื้อเพลง Don't You Find Jamie T | เพลงฟัง Don't You Find Jamie T | เล่นเพลง Don't You Find Jamie T | เนื้อเพลง Don't You Find Jamie T | Chord Don't You Find Jamie T เพลง เนื้อเพลง Don't You Find Jamie T Don't you find some off the time (?) there is always someone on your mind that shouldn't be at all in any place or any kind Don't you find some off the time (?) there is always someone on your mind that shouldn't be at all in any place or any kind She sailed long ago to a land far away oversea's she'll be in a land of oppotunity I don't know where she goes I don't know how she been (?) I know that i see see ...(?) befor I'am gone And I give what I got And what I got I got to give (?) And I fall for it all And I lose as I win And I know where I go (?) Don't you find some off the time (?) there is always someone on your mind that shouldn't be at a