
กำลังแสดงโพสต์ที่มีป้ายกำกับ Caroline Jones

เพลง เนื้อเพลง Rise Caroline Jones

เพลง Rise Caroline Jones | เนื้อเพลง Rise Caroline Jones | เพลงฟัง Rise Caroline Jones | เล่นเพลง Rise Caroline Jones | เนื้อเพลง Rise Caroline Jones | Chord Rise เพลง เนื้อเพลง Rise Caroline Jones " I've been sleepin' in my mind But now my heart is risin' Risin' with the tide Floating on a wave Buoyed by the sea Carry me away 'cause the world is not for me If I could see through different eyes From ten thousand foot skies I'd navigate the lies And never fear demise Nor be timid of the rule How can I grow wise If never I'm a fool? And home, home is in my heart So why do I get lost in the crowd Trying to be proud Oh I must be quiet Enough to hear the sound The song inside my soul As it echoes in the clouds I'm going to sing it Loud I'm going to sing it Loud Raindrops ripple as I breathe I can feel the deep blue miles from my feet Coming up for air, conscience coming clean I have left the past at the bottom of the sea &