
กำลังแสดงโพสต์ที่มีป้ายกำกับ Quicksilver Messenger Service

เพลง เนื้อเพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service

เพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service | เนื้อเพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service | เพลงฟัง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service | เล่นเพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service | เนื้อเพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service | Chord Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service เพลง เนื้อเพลง Don't Cry My Lady Love Quicksilver Messenger Service Don't cry, my sweet love, you know how I can't stand you crying. All right, my lady love, I know how hard you been trying. Some day in the morning, when the sunshine won't shine in your window. You may remember that I was the sun in your window. But these things happen all the time, they're always the same. One's always crying, and one's always easing the pain. You say good bye, my lady love, you don't want the memories to haunt you. Just look in my eyes, babe, you can change